'Anin, Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked, Thu 7.11.13, Morning
A'anin CP 0605 (beautiful sunrise as always)
We arrived a little after the sun rose, together with the soldiers. Within five minutes, the first Palestinians began to come out of the village of A'anin which we can see from the hill opposite. The soldiers inspected those going through in the center of the CP, which we see but do not hear. In the beginning the stream of those leaving was steady and continuous, but as it went on it became tiring. About 150 men and women and a lot of children (there is no school, the Prophet Mohammed's birthday) went through an investigation, a prodding of the things they had with them and most of all suspicions - on the part of the soldiers. After an hour and a half, when we went away, the passage had not yet been finished.
A family with many women and children came out on a tractor(photo) and stood waiting for one of the young boys who upset the woman soldier (he did not approach when she called him, or did approach when she did not call him) and now as a punishment they detain him for a quarter of an hour. Somebody wants to transport two containers of olive oil for his family (perhaps in Umm el-Reihan) but they do not allow him to. Just before him, somebody did leave with a yellow container of that kind; why don't they let him do it? perhaps only one is allowed. Rumors that next week the CP will go back to operating only twice a week (instead of daily as in the season of olive-picking) cause the farmers a lot of worry. That is not good, they say, there are still another twenty days of work. Neta tries to find out from the DCO officers. who just now are leaving the CP in their luxury vehicle, for just how long the CP will open daily. The answer: "That depends on the Palestinians." and why don't they open it on Fridays and Saturdays? "That's part of the procedure." We didn't even convey these strange answers to the local people.
Tura-Shaked CP 0740
Traffic is thin. A minibus exudes a group of young girls dressed according to the latest fashion, happy and joking, apparently they are on a trip. A person that went through the CP approaches us to share an insult: "I arranged the people in a line so that they could enter one by one. The soldier yelled at me -- here, I say what to do. I'm the officer in charge and not you!: Here, too men, women and children leave in the direction of olive groves, but not many. This brings up again the question and the answer: if not for the occupation and the definitions, how many more people would be moving around the groves today.
Barta'a-Reihan 0800
All the regular sights: The parking lot is overflowing with cars; there is a continuous stream of people coming from the direction of the West Bank to the seamline zone, and especially to East Barta'a. Hi! Good Morning... A morning of flowers .... Morning of cream ...What's new --- Everything is perfect .... thank God. Ali and his mother get into our vehicle. They will go with Neta for the regular treatments at the Rambam Hospital in Haifa. The boy suffers from pain, he is thin as a rail, downcast. He has grown old, all of them know Ali and let him go through with his mother quickly, without waiting on line.