South Hebron Hills, Thu 1.11.12, Morning
Purpose of the shift: Activity #2 for this year in the Hashem el-Daraj preschool, together with Huda.
All activities are taking place in the new preschool. 30 children were present today as was a local woman. There were also two women from the UK – one, an artist and the other, a photographer – both women have been staying in the preschool to paint its exterior walls and photograph the paintings. Eid from Um-el-Hir also helped with the paintings. When we arrived the children were sitting around tables in the big classroom.
Topic of the activity: The planned project was Panus (lantern)-el-Eid (feast) in honor of the Muslim holiday. However, before starting the project, we tried to model the reading of a story in a way that the children would actively participate rather than sit passively. The reason for doing so is that it is hard to get 30 young children to pay attention to a story when they can’t see the pictures in the book which is what happens when the children are seated around tables, some of the distant from the story being read.
We moved to the second classroom in the preschool for the story reading. This classroom has carpets so the children were able to sit in a circle on the carpets while Huda read the story “The Tale of Five Balloons”. This story was read at our last visit to the preschool. This time, we taught the children several hand movements (e.g., clapping) and words to call out (boom!, trak!) at particular places in the story. After the first reading of the story, we then divided the children into five groups and gave each group a different colored balloon. The story was then read again and each group responded when the color of the group’s balloon was mentioned.
Since the activity took longer than anticipated, we did not have time for the Panus (lantern)-el-Eid (feast) activity. Instead, in the remaining time, we played several circle games.
Pictures of the activity (Judy – The album of October 11 2012
“Staff” meeting: At the end of the activity, Hamed Qawasmeh from Hebron arrived and we all sat together to discuss the continuation of activities and to decide on equipment needed for the preschool.
On Saturday 1.12.2012, we are planning a workshop for preschool teachers including those from Um-el-Hir. Suha, who helps us with the planning and preparation of our activities at the preschool, will lead the workshop.