Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked
0830-0900 Tura-Shaked checkpoint
Today we arrived an hour later than our usual time and the picture is different; Instead of (mostly) workers, at this time we see families crossing in cars and on foot.
Passage is swift and free of delays.
0910-0940 Barta'a-Rihan checkpoint
Here too the picture is different: There are fewer cars waiting for passengers, fewer people coming or going, There are more families and fewer workers. Passage is quick, according to them, about 5 minutes per person. There are no people waiting by the doors. People are most cordial, smiling, many ask how we 've been doing and greet us. "And how are you?" , "All is well, thank God".
Rain or shine, stormy or pleasant, like today – the occupation is the same, but at this hour all seems a bit different.