Etzion DCL
Sixteen cars were crowded in the parking lot. Twenty people were waiting in the waiting hall. People who wanted to meet with the police officer came out and were told that he was not there. They went home, but then it turned out that he was there.
There was no traffic. No people were let in or out. We called and found out that the computers were out of order and were being repaired. The repair went on and on and many people just gave up and left. At 16:10 the computers began to work and a few people were let in.
At 16:45, when closing time was approaching, the last seven people waiting were instructed to go home. Shlomit protested, she pointed out that they have been waiting for long hours and demanded they be let in and they were all let in and taken care of.
A young man approached us and said his wife is about to undergo surgery tomorrow at a hospital in Jerusalem. He asked for a permit to enter Jerusalem, but did not receive one. He was told that the computers do not work and that it was impossible to issue a permit manually. He was sent to Jerusalem Envelope DCO. We insisted on getting the phone number of this DCO before the man travels there. When we got it we called and found out that there too the computers are out of order. The man continued to wait. When the computers began working he got his permit.
An older father and his young son who live in Har Homa approached us. The fence passes next to their house. The fence is on the Israeli side. That is, they live in a territory annexed to Israel. But, they carry Palestinian identity cards and so, in order to get to their home they have to get an entry permit. A few weeks ago the son’s entry permit was confiscated for no reason. They were told to come and get it at DCO. Every week father and son come to DCO, but the permit is not found. Today they were sent to the Palestinian DCO. We gave them Yael’s phone number as she might be able to help them, if the permit isn't found. Meanwhile, the son has to stay and spend his nights in the territories and can’t return home.
We tried and we could not help a woman who had a letter confirming that her son was sick and she asked for an entry permit to the Al-Makassed Hospital and did not get one. Her request was rejected claiming that her confirmation letter is a fake.
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