'Awarta, 'Azzun 'Atma, Beit Furik, Burin (Yitzhar), Huwwara, Shomron Crossing, Za'tara (Tapuah)
In the surrounding of Nablus one doesn't feel any change, except for the fact that most of the shops are shut – during the Ramadan they are opened late.
06:20 Azzun 'Atma: When we arrived at the zone around the CP, we saw tens of workers waiting for the transportation supplied by their employers. At the CP itself there was no queue. According to the soldiers the workers arrived earlier than usual. When pressure began to mount, they opened another checking post.
On the concrete clocks in the fence a list of numerals had been painted in colour – a publishing device of the local taxis.
A line of workers at the Hanson company in their special uniform, passed without being checked, back into the village, after their night shift.
Shomron crossing: no police on leaving Israel.
06:50 Za'tara/Tapuah: Two parachutists with their red berets check at random the upcoming cars. Owing to the early hour there was no pressure.
Opposite, at the hitch hikers station, there were a few settlers waiting and a few soldiers next to them, either guarding them, or hitchhikers themselves.
Yitzhar/Burin CPs: A military vehicle was waiting at the inlet and didn't disturb the traffic.
07:15 Beit Furik: The CP wasn't manned.
07:20 Awarta: The yellow arm blocked the passage.
07:25 Huwwara: The CP wasn't manned and the parking lot was deserted. It was difficult to see whether there was a soldier in the watch tower. There was one soldier at the way up to Beraha, and one in the tower looking down at the hitchhiking station.
Busses of the local council were driving from the direction of Alon More and Itamar.
07:35 Za'tara/Tapuach: not manned.
Shomron crossing:The traffic was flowing.
Because of the summer vacation and the Mondial games there was no pressure on Road No.5 as well.