'Azzun, Far'ata, Habla, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah)
13:15 Habla
As we arrived at the CP it was just opening, 15 minutes late, there were a lot of people standing on both sides of the CP waiting to cross, as well as vehicles and donkey pulled carts. We heard many comments from the Palestinians on the behavior and the impolite manner of speaking of the soldiers towards them. in a very rude way - "it is none of your business". By the time we left the CP everyone had passed.
We visited O. at the nursery, and were told the same thing, but O. called the Matak and reported the unacceptable way the Palestinians were spoken to at the CP, the Matak said he would take care of it, this was a couple of weeks ago. After hearing the soldiers today I guess the Matak didn’t have much influence.
Several jeeps on the road
14:20 Azzun
Soldiers are stationed under a tree at the entrance to Azzun.
14:40 Kfar Far'ata
We drove up the road and saw the house that was attacked by the settlers from Havat Gilad, two years ago the settlers set fire to his car, and they continuously throw stones at the residents and their property in Kfar Ata. There are 7 -8 that come to Kfar Ata by small tractors attacking and damaging Palestinian property. We saw painted blue Magen David on a couple of stone walls in the village. When we asked why they don’t do something to protect their property, he said that the settlers have guns, and they are afraid of being arrested by the army if they retaliate.
Kfar Far'ata has a population of approximately 1,200 and Havat Gilad 200-300..
On the road to Huwarra just before the village Jit, there was a jeep stationed, checking a Phalestinian driver.
15:55 Huwarra C.P.
Soldier at the side of the road opposite the guard tower, traffic flows with no interruptions.
Za'tara/Tapuah Junc. – jeeps at side, soldiers at the bus stop, traffic flows.
We saw a lot of military vehicles on our way.
More jeeps on the road by Barkan
Back home at 17.00- very desperate.