'Anin, Barta'a-Reihan, Jalama, Tura-Shaked
14.00 Jalama checkpoint (Gilboa Crossing)
We took a man and his sick son from a Haifa hospital to the checkpoint.
At this time of day there is no passage from the checkpoint into Israel. A few male and female laborers had already finished their work (apparently in fields in the vicinity) and were returning to the Jordan Valley through the gate at the side of the terminal. At the vehicle barrier there were many cars owned by Israeli Arabs. Only a few cars crossed to the Jordan Valley at this hour.
14.55 Anin Checkpoint
The soldiers arrived early and the checkpoint was already operating. A few people were crossing from the Seam Line Zone to the village of Anin, with only four tractors and two pedestrians. Everyone had passed through by 15:15.
15.25 Tura-Shaked Checkpoint
As usual it was quiet at the checkpoint, and there was very little traffic. The garbage container was still full and rubbish spilled out.
15.50 Barta’a-Reihan Checkpoint
Three trucks loaded with metal bars, wooden poles, and other building materials, came out from inspection in the vehicle shed.
Many workers came down the “Sleeve” (enclosed corridor). One of them said to us, “Why do you women come here? You are just putting on a show, and there is no respect at all towards the Palestinians inside”.
Most of the people passed through on the terminal side without delay, while the minority – those who work in the Seam-Line Zone – went towards the posts where their work permits are being examined. A short queue has formed immediately. We imagined what would have happened if the rules werestrictly enforced and everyone would have had to go through the inspection posts on their way to the Jordan Valley.
A family dressed in festive clothes passed through, apparently on their way to a wedding. A mother passed with five small children, and a girl, about eight years old, already dressed in the long body-enclosing “hijab”, carried her baby brother.
16.20 We left the checkpoint which was “ticking along”.