Barta'a-Reihan, Tayba-Rummana, Tura-Shaked

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Neta Golan and Shuli Bar (reporting, photos)

North West Bank 16.7.15

Netta and Shuli Bar (reporting and photographing)


06:00 Barta'-Rihan

As expected on the last day of Ramadan only a few people arrive at the checkpoint. Both car parks are empty and whoever shows up go through at once.


6:25 Anin agricultural checkpoint  

The DCO vehicle waits on sits. Soldiers are late and arrive at 07:00 only. The DCO representative explains the delay by "an incident in the sector". Within 5 minutes 3 tractors and 4 pedestrians had cross over.


07:15 Tura-Shaked checkpoint

Usually noy many peple cross over at this point but today we had to search for those who came anyway with a magnifying glasses... Who  go through appears exhausted by the challenging fast of month of Ramadan.


Taibe Romana agricultural checkpoint 0750

precisely at 8000 arrives the jeep of the border guard and the police men open the gate, just for the red tractor.. No one elase came today - last day of the Ramadan month... except him.