Russian Compound, Jerusalem - Holding and trading of combat materiel, Remand Extension
Translation: Diana Rubanenko
Judge: Shalom Dahan
Police investigator: Afif Aweida
Defence counsel: Firas Sabbah, Louai Oka
There were five cases in the docket. It was not stated in any of the cases that the detainee involved was barred from meeting with a lawyer, so we were surprised that after two of the h were heard, we were asked to leave the remand extension court. In fact, regarding three of the detainees our presence was barred during all parts of the hearing - not in the part where the attorney asks the questions, and not where the detainee is brought for extension of his remand. Hence, the hearings for the three detainees were ostensibly held in camera
The three barred detainees were:
Riyadh Abed al-Rahim Abed al-Rahman Dar Nasser, ID 900049743
Yussuf Mahmoud Taher Aweideh, ID 921558474
Yihya Saleh Ahmed Dar Atta, ID 902822691
Since Justice Dahan, in the hearing on 23 June 2014 [where we were present], stated his position on the presence of civil eyes in a hearing concerning a barred detainee, we did not see fit to discuss the issue with him. We did not think that his forceful opinion would change over a week.
Jamal Abed Al-Jalil Yousef Abu Salem, ID 902 854 363
Defence counsel: Firas Sabbah
The parties agreed to a remand extension of 4 days (until Thursday) and the transfer of the case to the prosecution. If by Thursday there would be a development in the investigation requiring its further extension, the detainee would be brought for another remand extension.
Muhammad Jamil Hassan Kifaya, ID 852843481
Defence counsel: Firas Sabbah
The investigator requests another 15 days for the investigation. This is the first extension.
The detainee is suspected of engaging in military activity, possession of weapons, and providing services (money transfer) to a hostile organization.
From the defence's questions, we understood that the detainee was arrested four days ago. He is collaborating with investigators and admitted to the charges against him. On 27 June he gave a police statement, and was interrogated by the GSS on 29 June.
Justice Dahan asked the detainee how he felt and whether he had health-related complaints.
The detainee replied that he was in good condition. He added that he had already told the investigators everything he knew. He saw no reason to prolong the investigation. He had nothing to add.
Justice Dahan summed up and decided that the detainee was cooperating with the investigators. He told the investigator that he also understood from the confidential reports that the detainee was cooperating, and therefore extended his remand by 11 days.