Hamra (Beqaot), Tayasir

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Revital Sela, Rachela Hayut (reporting, photos)

We crossed the Bezek Checkpoint at 13:00.


Beneath the settlement of Rotem, along the road, we saw holes intended for planting trees or perhaps electric or telephone poles.


Ascent to Tayasir

The entire area is still under the heat.


Hamam al-Malikh

The place still appears to be deserted.  An army tent is set in the valley, south of the road. North of the road, near the deserted army camp at Tayasir, we saw soldiers preparing to stay in the area.  


There is no checkpoint at Tayasir.  It is good to see an open, unmanned checkpoint. 


We drove up to Tayasir and entered a grocery store at the eastern side of the village, where we told the owner who we were, and bought cold drinks.  The owner explained that people do more extensive shopping in Tubas.  On our way eastward there was an Israeli car near the watchtower.


We visited Bisan. Her mother and daughter report that everything seems to be going well, including the treatment s that the child is receiving.  She and her brother are sitting in the tent in front of the television set, and no one else appeared to be there. It is very hot.  The sun is glaring, and even more painful is the sight of the settlement of Maskiot, which is being built to the south.


The Alon Route

The embankment appears to have been made higher.


14:15 Hamra Checkpoint

The northern lane is still closed.  The checkpoint is being manned by soldiers who appear to be reservists.  One of them attempts to clarify who we are and asks us to move away, and then he understands that we are not going to move.  The northern lane is evidently closed because there are not enough soldiers to allow cars to cross in both directions.  We counted 5 more soldiers and said that it did not justify having people wait in a line of 10 to 15 cars in either direction, in the heat of the day, which takes about 20 minutes.  We were told tto mind out ow business. Two cars with yellow license plates were sent back to the Alon Route.


We left at 14:45.


17 cars were waiting on the eastern side.  The ones on the western side were allowed  to pass, and the 17 cars were beginning to move through.  Meanwhile, more and more cars were lining up in both directions.   



14:50 –Khalat Makhol

We met with Y. and his children. There is nothing new with them.


We crossed back through Bezek Checkpoint at 15:25.