Barta'a-Reihan, Jalama, Tura-Shaked
Jalameh Checkpoint, 14:30
We brought several patients from Rambam Hospital to the checkpoint. We met A. and Ruthi gave him some things for his children. There were several other vehicles from "Derech L'Hachlama" (The Road to Health) – an organization that transports Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank through the checkpoints to hospitals in Israel where they receive treatment. The organization also sponsors vacation days for patients and their families. Lately there have been more patients entering through the Jalameh Checkpoint rather than Barta'a. We transport patients whenever it works out for us to take then when we are traveling to observe the checkpoints.
There are few people crossing at this checkpoint at this time of day.
Shaked – Tura Checkpoint 15:30
This checkpoint is also very quiet at this time of day and there are few people crossing in the early afternoon. Two men and two women were waiting for a car that came to take them to Um - Reihan.
Reihan – Barta'a Checkpoint 15:50
An increasing flow of people is moving down the sleeve to the entrance to the terminal. As we expected, lines were already forming behind the turnstiles next to the palm reading machines. Three machines are working but there is a line and people are delayed. Evidently those who work in Israel cross without having to sign in. We don't understand this regulation.
By the crowds and numbers of people coming back from work we can imagine the conditions that our colleagues report during the morning crossing. Most of the complaints are about Fridays and Saturdays when the crossing only starts at 07:00 instead of 05:00. This is inconsiderate, in light of the fact that these are shorter work days.
We gave one man Sylvia's phone number so that he could find out why he was prevented from entering Israel by the security services and how to solve the problem. Another person said he had not reached Sylvia and that her phone was busy throughout the designated hours.
We waited for someone who was supposed to bring us a request to work in Israel and other paperwork so that we could bring it to our friend A., who had promised to take care of it.
We left at 17:00.