Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Rochelle H., Noa L., (reporting). Translation: Bracha B.A.


We were not aware that the opening hours of the checkpoints had changed because of the holidays.  There is more traffic at 9 in the morning than at this time of day.


Tura – Shaked Checkpoint, 07:20 – 07:35

The checkpoint is open and quiet. A farmer arrived with a donkey and wagon. He says that this year there would not be a good yield of olives because of hot weather. They are waiting for the rain to come and wash the dust off the trees before they begin the harvest. A few people and vehicles arrive and greet us and wish us happy holidays.  


Reihan – Barta'a Checkpoint 07:45 – 08:10

The gate to the entrance to the terminal is locked, and the parking lot is full.


The upper parking lot is filled with cars, most of which have yellow (Israeli) license plates. There are also a few taxis. However, when we approached the gate to the sleeveinfo-icon leading to the terminal we found it was locked.  The taxi drivers explained that the checkpoint opens only at 08:30 because of the holidays, but residents of the seamline zone have permission to cross 24 hours a day.

We saw several people whom we knew coming out of the vehicle inspection area. It is rare to see the entire area of the checkpoint empty at this hour and we attempted to photograph this rare sight.  


We left to return home after a brief conversation with people.  One of the security guards stood in front of our car and claimed that we had taken photos illegally and told us we would be detained until the checkpoint supervisor arrived. We were told that "we had photographed a security facility."  The conversation was conducted with restraint, and at last the guard moved aside when a uniformed man arrived and let us leave.