Al Aqaba (Village) / Jordan Valley, Hamra (Beqaot), Tayasir
14:00 – 16:15
Confiscation of cows of Palestinian shepherds by Israeli confiscation contractors: Why? Who? Where to?
14:00 – 16:15
14:00 Bezek checkpoint
We drove through. The air is clean washed and clear, the view is magnificent.
14:25 Tayasir
Soldiers are situated at the training area East of the abandoned Tayasir checkpoint. They hoist a gigantic flag and guard it. On the slopes to the North, are seen soldiers moving (perhaps training) We did not hear shooting. In front of us drove a bus bearing a yellow plate, apparently a bus of soldiers. In previous occasions we saw such buses crossing the (then active) Tayasir passage. We followed that bus until it pulled off the road and turned South shortly before the village of AKABA (on the East).
The checkpoint is represented , at this time as well' by the mobile water container located under the guard tower.
14:40 Allon road 578 Robbery at broad day light
North of the turn to Challat Machool (as well as to Kfir army base and the settlement of Chemdat) we saw a robbery at broad day light: A green pickup , a police vehicle, parked on the side of the road, and a man pulling a cow and elderly person urinates out in the open. We took a photo. We went back to meet the owner of the stolen cows, there wasn't a single Palestinian but the burglars who had completed pulling the cows. In an hine site we should have stopped to talk with the burglars to hear their "rightful" reason (Assumption: "Cows that wondered on the high way thus dangering…."etc).
We shared the above with Y"M and B"E so they can look into that with activists at the Valley, to find out who are the owners of those cows. Hana also volunteered (from the USA) to care for this matter. If she'd receive the necessary information. As of now we received no information as to this natter.
15:00 Hamara checkpoint
The big tractor still parks in the back yard. The Northern lane is still blocked. The torn flag is still flapping more torn and filthier. 6 cars that waited East of the checkpoint had gone through. The cows burglars passed by us and continued on the road, perhaps to the animal pen near Jericho or????
Two curious soldiers, male and female came up to us to inquire as who we were. We were sadden to find out that they too had shown a great ignorance as to the history of the state of Israel ("What occupation are you talking about?") and sited slogans such as "we are a nation under siege and danger…. They have 21 countries…. We protect our people…" etc.
During our entire stay at that site there were no lines. Passage was smooth for pedestrians and for vehicles with workers as well..
15:40We left
15:50 Halt Makhul a brief meeting.
16:30 Bezek checkpoint. This time we appeared suspicious and our trunk was inspected.