Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Ana Nezer-Shai, Leah Reichman (reporting)

06:00 Barta'a-Rihan checkpoint  Ana, who has returned from a rather long checkpoints vacation is excited to sites new to her: Many trucks loaded with goods, many private cars and mostly many people on their way to work in the Seam Line zone among them many young ones. The elder coffee peddler had disappeared, and so did the owner on the other kiosk Hanny who took care of cleaning the Palestinian car park. The license for operation the Kiosk , and for lively hood ,was giving to a settler.

The line runs well and passage is swift.


07:00 Tura-Shaked checkpoint  Soldiers are a bit late but once the gate opens, Passage is quick. People who cross over command the female soldier known to them, saying that when she's on site, all is well.


7:45 We came back to the Barta's checkpoint to pick up Ali for his treatment at the Ram"bam hospital in Haifa. He seems in great pain. Security personnel treat him tenderly and do not delay him too much. I thank them.