'Azzun, Habla, Kufr Jammal
As we drive to Falamiya North, we encounter a ditch cutting the road from side to side, part of the roadworks. After some hopeful waiting, we realize the filling of the ditch is not imminent, and the detour is very muddy, passing through fields, so we head to Habla.
No military at the entrance and exit from Azzun.
Habla CP, 13:30. The soliders are just arriving and are opening the gate. Moments later passage begins. The shepherd, Jamal, is still denied passage for his sheep to graze west of the fence. Two weeks ago, permission was promised within days.
One car is detained for 15 minutes, and finally allowed to cross to the nurseries.
Total number of people crossing:
To Habla -- 2 women, one child, 11 men, 4 cars, 2 carts with donkeys.
From Habla -- One woman, one child, 25 pedestrians or cyclists, 9 trucks and pickups with saplings and food for the sheep.
The gate was closed minutes before the official hour of 14:10. All crossed.