Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked
15:25 – Tura Shaked Checkpoint
The sky that has been so surprisingly blue during Rachela's afternoon shift is still clear. Cars and small trucks pass quickly in the direction of the West Bank. Several pedestrians are waiting for rides. We picked up a young man who told us that the woman soldier at the checkpoint was not pleased that he had had clothing in his bag. Why should a person going through a "fabric of life" checkpoint be carrying clothes? He has no permit to spend the night in Israel. After she became convinced that he was only carrying clothes to give to relatives in Barta'a, and was not planning to spend the night there illegally, she let him pass.
16:00 – Reihan – Barta'a Checkpoint
Many young workers are making their way to the only turnstile that serves people returning to the West Bank. All of them smile as they greet us. Sometimes a line forms in front of the automatic inspection booths, but it disappears quickly. A few women and children cross to the seamline zone.