'Anin, Reihan, Shaked, Thu 25.10.07, Morning

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Raya Ts. and Neta J. (reporting)
05:55 - 08:50
05:55 A'anin CP
The gatesinfo-icon are open; the opening hours during the olive-picking are posted on the gate: 05:30 - 07:00, 15:30 - 16:30. but nobody has gone through yet. 06:00 - the first person goes through. It seems that they opened on time, but the system is that the soldiers collect about 30 IDs and permits, inspect them and write down the information and then let the people through.
We are told that sometimes the soldiers change the order of the documents, so the first to arrive is the last to leave.
This morning, about 80 people went through. Because the olive crop is not too plentiful, there is no need for the women's help. There are only two women, in whose families the men are not allowed to go through; who did go through to pick olives. One of them tells us, with tears in her eyes, that there are 10 people in her family and she is the only one who has an agricultural permit. All the others are not allowed permits. She and a few other people ask for Raya's  help in getting permits for those who have been refused so far.
A young man asks whether it is worthwhile to appeal to the high court of justice. This is our land, he says, and he wants to be there every day, all year long, not only during the olive-picking season.
07:10 The soldiers lock the gates.

07:20 Shaked - Tura CP
A few older pupils arrive and go through. The younger ones have apparently already been here.
There is very little traffic in both directions. They go through the inspection hut.
07:45 A yellow taxi arrives going from the seamline zone to the West Bank. Ten women passengers and two children get out before it reaches the gate. The taxi advances for inspection. The passengers, students and some other women, are called one by one to the inspection hut. After ten minutes, all of them had gone through.

08:05  Reihan-Barta'a CP
We stop in the upper parking lot, on the side of the seamline zone. The restrooms are clean and there is even toilet paper!
Drivers tell us that early in the morning, the passage of the laborers was 'ok', but many of the seamstresses were required to go into the inside rooms of the terminal and their passage took a long time. We went down in the 'sleeveinfo-icon' to the opening of the terminal. There was relatively a good deal of traffic. Merchants and workers from shops in East Barta'a were going through.
We drove to the Palestinian parking lot. Drivers who have nothing to do are waiting in the shed; Walid is selling coffee and tea, there are lots of trays of eggs on the ground.
08:50 We leave. Five pickup trucks are waiting to be inspected. Three private cars are waiting on the road to be called to advance to the vehicle CP.