Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Wed 21.11.07, Morning
Maitar CP (Sansana)
60 workers, well organized on a line, were still waiting to pass. Groups of 15 were allowed to pass the first gate and then be checked and only then another group was called to enter the first gate. The whole process took about 7 minutes. The problem will be on rainy days as most of the line is outside the building.
Route 60
The new road is slowly being built, all the blockages are on place, all the junctions open as usual.
Pharmacy CP – Boys on their way to school, 9 years old Muhamad is carried on a good wheel chair through the gate. He lives in front of the boys' school but a wall separates his house from it.
Kordoba school – We were impressed by the renovations done after the fire: Walls and window shells painted in bright colors, new pavement and nice flower beds in the patio. Lessons strated at 8.00 thgough half of the teachers were still waiting to pass the CP
Tarpat CP- .Teachers from Kordoba school passed through the magnometer while their begs were checked. 6 other teachers refused to pass but agreed to be checked by the soldiers who refused to let them.. 2 old and sick persons passed through the gate and were checked by the same soldiers very correctly. David, CPT volunteer tried to go between but didn't succeed. Our talks with the soldiers, the officer in charge and the DCO didn't help either. We left at 9.30 when the teachers were still at the Palestinian side. David told us that things have changed since a knife was found inside a woman's sleeve. It was an excuse for some soldiers to forget about the arrangements with the school principle.
Machpela Cave CP – A young detainee stood in front of the wall waiting for his documents to be checked. The Boarder Police soldiers didn't hurry with the checking, they said the checking took time but after some coming and going of us and several requests, they eventually handed the papers without getting an official approval. It seems that regulations in Hebron are decided by the people at stake and change from day to day.
Route 317
Zif J. was open, 2 cars with cows on went along.
The road was empty, only one young lady was waiting for a ride at Maon, in spite the event from yesterday.