Reihan, Shaked, Sat 1.12.07, Morning
Shula N., Noa L. (reporting)
Shaked-Tura CP 0730 - 0815
When we arrive we meet about 20 people who are waiting to go through from the seamline zone to the West Bank. On the other side of the CP, on the side of the West Bank, a group is waiting to go to the seamline zone (we cannot see how many). The people are angry and so are the soldiers. There's a lot of shouting. It seems to us as if there is a delay and there is no movement whatsoever, even though there are more soldiers than usual at the CP, and there is also a military vehicle. This is unusual for Saturday morning. We contact the DCO. The queue begins to move and in the course of half an hour, everybody has gone through.
Then, on their own initiative, two soldiers approach us and explain the situation at the CP from their point of view (quoting from memory): "This morning, we actually opened earlier than usual, but a few taxis full of passengers arrived all at once. There are only a few soldiers and only one inspection point; the rest of the soldiers here came with a patrol vehicle for a recess. In the inspection pavilion (aquarium) we inspect bags and there is an x-ray. People take off the belts because they interfere with the x-ray, but they do not get undressed. In this CP the modes of inspection are very inefficient and that is why it is more important to be very cautious and to inspect each person, one by one. In the past, the soldiers were more courteous towards the people but that led to arguments and shouting and that is why today they are less prepared to receive them courteously. We have to understand that the soldiers also have a hard time standing outside for many hours, with full bullet-proof vest. The soldiers were hurt because we called the DCO, which then called them. They are doing their best under the given conditions. People went through as fast as possible, and when new people did not arrive, the CP emptied out."
Reihan- Barta'a CP 0830 - 0930
Today there is lively traffic at this CP. In the beginning only a few go through to the West Bank and afterwards more and more, including a class of happy children from Barta'a going on a trip. In this direction, the passage is quick and it only took the class of children half an hour.
People are steadily leaving the terminal for the seamline zone. They tell us that inside many are waiting, and that it takes between an hour and an hour and a half, and that is the way it is every day now.
"What kind of a life is this, what kind of a life? And you, what do you do? You write and write ..." They complain about the attitude toward them, especially toward the sick old people.
Cars that go through to the West Bank are inspected very meticulously for a long time. The cars coming from the West Bank are inspected as usual in groups of four under the big tent and the shed. Every round of this kind takes 20 to 30 minutes.