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It was raining hard when we reached the wall. No police on the way. Crossing over the wall was a harrowing experience. It was muddy, slippery, and the chair which was there previously had been removed. The makeshift stairs were rearranged once again, and a wooden door had been set up as a ramp on the far side. Unfortunately this did not help much, and as our group assisted the stream of individuals trying to squeeze through the small 'dip' in the wall's facade several slipped, got badly muddied, or had to pull their clothes away from the wet and mud while trying to balance or hand over small children. The one shred of dignity which is left to these people--the pride in their appearance--was severely tested under these conditions. We helped over an 8-months pregnant woman, a boy on crutches, old men and an older woman who was really fearful about trying to make the 'ascent' and 'descent'. Many who were impatient tried an alternative passage next to the old tower by the wall. This was even more slippery and dangerous, and it was amazing to see that in the midst of this, one man went home to make us tea. He returned saying: "you have been out here since 6:30---you deserve some tea!" His shining teapot gave forth a welcome warmer-up-er!!! It seems that many of the people who passed over the wall today have added to their simple 'hello' to us, the words: "how are you today?" Others however, are still startled to see that Israeli womanare there to support them. Up the hill at the university, where last week people could pass over the fence if they choose to, the concrete sections of the wall have been placed along the fence at every point except where the gate to the university is. We were there at 7:40 and the gate was already open so people could pass, but one wonders what if any option there is when the gate is locked before 7:30 am).At one or two points during our shift army jeeps came by but they simply surveyed the area while turning around (in front of the gas station) and then they left the area. We wonder if the threat of a terrorist is less when the weather is bad, or ??