Qalandiya, 19th January, morning. Observers: Talia A-S., Judy O., On arrival at 7.15 there was a long queue of pedestrians which however, was moving quite quickly and smoothly. Schoolchildren over the age of 16 had to pass through the checkpoint while those under 16 could walk through on the path but were asked to show birth certificates. There was a very long line of vehicles that was moving very slowly - the wait was about three quarters of an hour.We were told by some taxi-drivers that almost every day small children would climb through the fence that had been cut (up on the hill) and throw stones at the soldiers who would always take chase. This has also become part of an accepted routine of checkpoint life. As we were leaving there were a few detainees going in the direction of Ramallah, whose ID's were checked and then returned in about half an hour. At A-Ram, the queue of traffic moved slowly but constantly. On the whole there was a lack of visible tension among the soldiers, so things appeared tolerable.