Reihan, Shaked, Sat 22.12.07, Morning

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Shula N., Noa L. (reporting)

Translation: Devorah K.

Shaked CP   07:45-08:15
The CP is wide open and almost completely empty. During the half hour that we were there two pedestrians, one car, and one biker went through. They all went through quickly. 

Reihan CP    08:30-09:45
The terminal is full to overflowing: on both sides there are groups of 20 -30 people waiting at the gatesinfo-icon in order to enter the terminal. This is a sight that we haven't seen at this time of day for months. The turnstile at the entrance to the terminal, through which both those going in and those coming out have to pass, keeps getting stuck and people get caught in it. Only one window is open. Those coming out of the terminal tell us about inspection in the inner rooms and delays of one to two hours! Inside, there are still very many people waiting. We hear the noise, but as usual, there is nobody we can talk to. Then we found the person who heads the CP, a civilian called Raz, and we asked him to take care of the situation. He went over there and the turnstile did begin to turn as it should, another window was opened and the passage was speeded up a bit. After that, again many people arrive from both directions, and again there is a queue on both sides of the entrance. The second window is open but operating only part of the time. We did not have any success finding Raz again. 

Most of the people go through to their destinations; an Israeli family from Jissr-A-Zarka is sent to Salem and a young fellow is detained until his status is clarified; it happens to him every day, he says. He is helped by a lawyer and does not ask for our help.

At the vehicle CP, eight cars are waiting while four others are being inspected by means of the tiresome dog routine in the shed. The inspection takes at least half an hour and most of the people have to wait an hour all told.
 The procedures that we saw today in the crowded CP were being carried out very slowly with the ordinary acts of humiliation. We thought - if there has to be privatization, maybe it should be total? Instead of potted plants and wells, it might be a good idea to reward the workers for giving speedy courteous treatment? Moreover, if this is a "border terminal", as the authorities say, why do they still prevent Israeli citizens who are not settlers from going to the West Bank? As you undoubtedly remember, it started with a closureinfo-icon because of the holidays, and gradually the holidays extended throughout the year.