Reihan, Shaked, Wed 26.12.07, Morning
Translation: Devorah K.
0750 Shaked-Tura CP
Only a few pedestrians are going through the CP in the direction of the seamline zone. A tractor and a trailer go through without any delay. The same is happening in the opposite direction.
0830 Reihan CP
A few pedestrians arrive at the terminal from the west side. Four commercial vehicles are waiting in the lower partking lot to have their goods inspected before they can go through. One of them is loaded with sheep. Six passenger cars are waiting. At the vehicle CP there are visitors and some police. It seems that the passage is slowed because of them.
The taxi drivers complain again because they do not have enough work.
When we visited east Barta'a we heard that there were many problems when people tried to go through the terminal during the Eid. Apparently this was because of the toys that they were bringing as holiday gifts for the children. The toys required additional inspections. Apart from some more complaints about long delays in the terminal, there are people who find it necessary to say that the passage is 'ok'.