Abu Dis Wednesday PM, 23 June 2004Observers: Julia W., Rahel W.(reporting)We went to Abu Dis early because we wanted to join the tour of the wall [Separation Fence] at A-Ram being conducted by the Shalom Achshav [Peace Now] movement.There were many people crossing through the Pishpash gate [the pedestrian roadside passage that has been almost entirely blocked up]. It appeared that some of the boulders had been moved a bit so that it would be possible for some people to get through without having to maneuver navigating the dangerous ledge. However, the site is no less appalling. An old man with a cane crossed as we arrived, and as he struggled over, dragging his bad leg, we did not know whether to scream out in anguish or weep at the shame of it all.We then went up to the Hotel. The Wall verges on the hotel grounds, and more construction work was going on. There were several people on the roof of the Moskowitz house -- from the distance they appeared to be security personnel. All the windows are still shut, so it is questionable if anyone [of the settlers] is actually living there. Four security guards were perched near the wall. I don't know what they were guarding.We saw no evidence of the presence of Border Police or soldiers anyplace.We did not get to the "Container" (Wadi Nar; Sawahre) because it was getting late and we wanted to get to A-Ram for the Peace Now tour.