South Hebron, AM

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Thelma Z.,Edna Sh,Elena L

South Hebron Hills Tuesday 20.7.04 AM> Observers : Thelma Z. Edna Sh (reporting in Hebrew; Elena L translated) We left Shoket at 6:30. Shima'ah CP: we explained to the soldier there, who had not heard of MachsomWatch, what we do and he summed it up in one word "Lefties". Along the edge of the road there were freshly raised dirt barriers. A hummer stood in front of DCO Hebron Sheeps' Crossing is open; it is unmanned and the traffic is sparse. Shiyuch junction: no soldiers; taxis waiting for passengers. Very little traffic. Halhul – Hebron bridge: manned by soldiers. Some of them had not heard of us. The movement of pedestrians and cars is very lively. The humanitarian CP: unmanned, very little trafiic. A jeep arrived as we left. On route 60 we saw very few cars with green or white license plates. We saw almost no military or police vehicles. As we left for Shoket, the movement of pedestrians and vehicles increased. Therefore we decided to set out at 7:00 in future. We returned to Shoket at 8:40