South Hebron, AM

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Leah Y.,Fran M.,Zafrira A.

South Hebron. Tuesday, 26.8.04, AMObservers: Leah Y.[Hebrew], Fran M., Zafrira A. [English]We left Tel Shoket at 7.00 on Rd 607.30: Checkpony Shim'a was manned as usual and the soldiers wished us good morning and let us through.Hardly any traffic on the road - one Israeli bus with a few settlers and two Israeli cars.7.40 El Fawar-Dura crossing was open to cross to rd 60.Sheeps crossing is still closed to traffic. A few pedestrians walked across. Shiuch to Hebron closed to traffic.7.50 The "humanitarion" gate is closed and a bulldozer is scraping the sides.Halhul-Hebron bridge is open , no visible soldiers and cars were crossing freely in both directions. As we left a hummer parked on the path leading to the bridge, but the soldiers did not get out.Rd 3568.05 Yakinton barrier manned by soldiers of gdud Lavie, who told us that there had been several transits and vans mostly heading for the Beduin market ib Beer Sheva. Anyone with the appropriate documentation had been allowed to pass. No traffic while we were there.Ziv junction.The gate to Yatta is openRd 317 The earthworks are as usual and the crossing from El Tawani to Yatta has had the earthwork raised. We saw two Palestinian cars trying to reach the road lower down via a dirt road.9.30 Returned to Tel Shoket after a quiet morning