Beit Iba, Thu 27.12.07, Morning

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Norah R., Hanah P. Natanya translating.

Beit Iba. 9:00. The checkpoint has been renovated and the soldiers are in a closed building with a window. There is a humanitarian lane which is meant for the old and for women. there are two car lanes at the exit and entrance.A young driver who tried to bypass the checkpoint with a small truck is checked very carefully with the aid of the dog.  Afterwards the man is sent to the jorra.  There were already a few other people there.  When we said that the soldiers did not have the authority to punish,  the commander said that those were the orders of the DCO. One of the detaineesinfo-icon had a permit which had expired and another was an older man who had tried to pass for medical reasons and had a letter from the Palestinian Ministry of Health. We tried to speak to the commander but it did not help.