Ar-Ram, Qalandiya

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Daniella Y,Yael N,Ruti B

A-Ram, Qalandiya, Wed. 07.12.05 p.m. Observers: Daniella Y, Yael N, Ruti B (reporting)15:30 Ar-Ram The same picture that was presented throughout the past month: two long lines with about 40 vehicles heading south. This does not include the lane for the service vehicles. For a change, there were no detaineesinfo-icon at least until now.15:45 Qalandiya There are a lot of peddlars here in every possible place and the confusion is only getting worse. From our experience of the last few weeks, the pressure of vehicles and pedestrians increases around 5:00 p.m. When we returned from observing the vehicles we came upon a young boy who was detained. It turned out that he was a student who returns every day via this checkpoint. The reason for his detention was different. He was hiding a knife and when the magnometer beeped, he was seized. His father got to the checkpoint and after our phone calls and another inspection, he was released at 17:00 after a two hour delay. He was holding onto a cane that he had found on the way.