Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Wed 23.1.08, Morning

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Ora A, Yoska M, Drora P (reporting)


Rachel Checkpoint, El Nashnash, Nabi Unis, DCL Ezyon

Rachel Checkpoint

Many people were waiting for their transportation outside. Inside there were six posts open and the lines were very short. People greeted us with a smile and ascribed the pace to us. Many construction workers didn't go to work because of the rain.

There were two representatives from the Red Cross. They checked to see how long it took to pass from the first entrance to the exit.  

El Nashnash

A resident who had a fine from the police came to us. He had paid his debt but was still classified  as "refused passage" by the police. Faras the police officer had already signed a document that says he doesn't have any more debts, he now didn't know what to do. After consulting Haya we learned that sometimes there are more reasons why someone is refused passage, so we told him what to ask Faras the police officer from the Hebron DCL.

Nabi Unis

We waited for half an hour. It was raining and no one needed our help.  

Ezyon DCL

The policemen don't work on sundays but there was no notice about this.