Beit Iba, Burin (Yitzhar), Huwwara, Jit, Za'tara (Tapuah), Thu 14.2.08, Morning

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Shoshana Z., Nina S. Natanya translating

 08.35 Beit Iba. Few pedestrians. The driver of a cart takes down 6 enormous bags of new clothes for the dogtrainer and her dog  to check after the bags have been cut with a knife. A car with the symbol of the Red Cross is sent back to Nablus. All cars are carefully checked.

09.10 Going up to Jit. An army jeep is there and a rolling checkpoint. The long line of cars does not move. An Israeli car tries to bypass but is stopped.

At 09.25 the checkpoint opens.09.40 Huwarra.  We were asked to go there because another shift was cancelled. Pedestrians are carefully checked and in the horrible cold have to strip. There is segregation of people from Jenin from 16-35 years of age.

10.20 Za’tara. North Tapuach.  Cars come only from the north. A man who came from the north is sent back. There are 3 checking posts. IDs are checked and passage is swift.  A car is checked by the dog and the passengers wait outside in the rain.

10.44 The line is shorter.

10.50 The entrance to Zeita is barricaded with cement blocks. The entrance to Marda is open. There is a closed gate and barbed wire.

11.00   On the way to Burin the road is blocked with barbed wire.