'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Beit Iba, Jubara (Kafriat), Tue 12.2.08, Afternoon
13.30 Rain. Jubara (Figs). At the children's gate only wet soldiers. At A-Ras heavy rain and about 4-5 cars at the entrance.
14.10 ‘Anabta. The traffic flows and we are told that there is segregation for those from Jenin and north of it, over 35 are not allowed to pass. Inside a Mercedes parked on the side of the road is a respectable well dressed gentleman, who complains that yesterday after he had been given a permit to pass at Beit Iba the soldiers pulled up the spikes and his car was damaged. He complained at the DCO. We said we would check this out.
14.30 Beit Iba. Rain and rivers of water on the road and it is very difficult to get to the checkpoint. The Palestinians say that for the past 4 days there has been a new checkpoint 5 kilometres north of Tulkarm and men over the age of 35 cannot pass. This is the segregation of which we heard at ‘Anabta. They say that they wait long hours on their way to work. The entrance is like a river ..the same as that which we saw two weeks ago. There are tens of people and two lines for the young men and one humanitarian line. Sometimes some of them are given a body check. The commander and the representative of the DCO are not present and the military police try to send us off from where we can see. A large soldier whistles while he checks IDs and another is having a long conversation on the phone while the cars wait. The DCO says that the incident with the spikes was a technical error but he does not know who will compensate the man.
Far away from our eyes there is a violent incident in which the commander breaks the glass of a car which is parked in a forbidden area. There is an argument between the driver and the commander as the driver says he did not hear the calls of the captain to stop.
16.40 We leave while the rain beats down. Pictures of those walking in the water are attached. . __._,_.___