South Hebron Hills

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Michal TS,Hagit B

Hebron and South Hebron Hills 19.9.06, AMWatchers: Michal TS. Hagit B. (Reporting)6:30-10:30 AMSansana checkpoint: A few workers are passing, continuation of electricity works.60, 317, 356 roads: No cabs traffic at all. No army vehicles. The pill boxes are manned. Children who start studying at 9:00 AM, are walking on road sides. Dura el Fawar, the ‘sheep intersection’, and Shiuch Sair, there is a bit more traffic passing 60 Rd. Ramadan starts on Sunday, and there is almost no people or merchandise movement. People are probably dying from poverty and no work opportunities. “Hatzavim” are blooming, and it is the end of the Hebron-figs’ and tasty purpule grapes’ season. andHebron – from the Machpela cave, loud sounds of Jewish music. Ramadan and Hebrew New-Year are falling almost on the same days, and we wander how they will divide visiting hours between Jews and Muslims…. Children are passing freely through Farmacy and Tel Rumeida stopwatches. The teachers too are passing through a side gate – we have succeeded in our efforts. Everything is so deserted that it is tearing my heart. One of the phalestinians told us that we are most needed on Shabat. We met Priel, the last head master of the school, stepping the stairs towards Cordova School . She sends regards to all her friends. She is quite bored with pension life. We are talking to the peace activists and they tell us that sometimes the police disturb them when they stand on the stairs leading to Cordova School . Police officers tell them not to stand on the stairs since it disturbs the settlers. The soldier standing near by tells us that this order is nonsense and he does not keep it.Checkpoints are manned by 2 soldiers each. A few more soldiers are standing in different spots. The soldiers are from “Lavi”. One of them is very angry at us but very caring for a female dog that had 3 babies and does not have milk. He takes care of the puppies.No special happenings. Just a big sadness for this dying city. Look at the pictures and see how the betonades are turned into peace pictures, only with no Arabs.