Beit Iba

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aliyah s.,natalie k.,alix w.

Beit Iba, Sunday, 10/12/2006, PMObservers: Aliyah S., Natalie K. (guest), Alix W. (reporting) Jit Junction13:40 – Approaching the Jit we sight the first signs of color in the fields, even though there hasn’t been much rain, a few colored wild flowers are sprouting. As we get closer the CP we see that there are no vehicles from the east side of Route 55 and one soldier at that side, from the Nablus side there are 2 soldiers and 7 vehicles waiting. We don’t stop, it seems to be moving. Shavei Shomron14:04 – We drove to the top and as we were turning the car around a soldier came rushing up to us telling us that we are not allowed to be here and can not continue through the CP, no entrance to Jenin! We asked if we could go on the road that leads to Asira ash Shamaliya (already knowing the answer), but were told that it is dangerous and that only the army can go up there. Then he said that he has already talked too much with us and turned to go. Beit Iba14:28 – After a short visit with Jamal, he was busy with suppliers and customers, we continued to Beit Iba, pleasantly surprised to fine the deep drench in the road just at the entrance to Deir Sharaf was filled, now there is a small mound, but quite an improvement from the hole that was there. We found Beit Iba to be quite different from last week, as we approached we could feel the immediate difference. There were 8 vehicles in line waiting to enter Nablus and only 3 from the Nablus side. There were approximately 30 pedestrians waiting to pass through the turnstiles. The soldiers said there were no restrictions, they were calm, quiet and worked efficiently, their attitudes and behavior reflected on the atmosphere of the CP, some difference from the previous weeks! There is a new addition to the signs at the CP, a small white note paper has been folded and taped with small pieces of black tape to the pole written in brown marker in Hebrew “Watch Women Line!” “קו נשות ווטש!”