E-Qalqiliya, A-Ras
E – Qalqiliya and A-Ras checkpoints, Thursday 19.07.07 PM Observers: Smadar H., Hagar L. (reporting)Translation: Galia S.Movement and passage restrictions: At Anabta, Jit and Qalqiliya checkpoints, where mostly cars are checked, the lines are very long, which means one to two and a half hours waiting time. There are no passage restrictions on specific age groups or places of residence.Qalqiliya checkpoint17:45 Great commotion. There is a line of about 30 cars from both directions. The soldiers let a number of cars pass alternately from the exit and the entrance lines, during which the line gets longer. It is not quite clear why the soldiers don't enable movement in both directions simultaneously, especially since they scarcely check any car. Palestinian cars are not checked at all and Israeli cars are checked mainly at the entrance (We assume they only tell them that the entry is prohibited).An Israeli Arab we gave a lift to when we left told us they had asked him if he had a permit to enter Qalqiliya (Does anyone know if there is such a thing?).The Palestinians in the line are impatient, sounding the horn a lot. Some of the Palestinian cars that pass there go on to Habla and the villages along the fence, where Habla checkpoint awaits them at the second exit from Qalqiliya. A man we met told us that the line there was even longer.Ras-Atiya checkpoint18:23 When we arrive, the Border Police Soldiers are already busy closing the checkpoint. Cars hurry to pass. The gate is already closed but the soldiers are still standing next to it. A man suddenly runs from the direction of Alfe Menashe enclave and asks them to let him pass. The soldier opens the gate and the man passes. It is not clear how he could pass it the checkpoint were already closed, since it is prohibited to walk through the border passage checkpoint (Eliyahu Passage).