Ar-Ram: Things were as
Qalandya: Rumours abound that this checkpoint will be dismantled.
Actually, it will probably just be fixed up. Apparently, there will
be separate lines for blue IDS and others. The checkpoint commander
was from the military police. He was very considerate and helpful,
and speaks Arabic. He was willing to help when a group of 8 family
members, women and children, were not allowed to cross back to
Ramallah from their visit in the Nablus hospital. It took some 30
minutes, and another check of the children's papers, but then they
were let through. In another instance, a 41 old diabetic woman
trying to get to A-Ram clinic with her 23 years old sister in law
was not let through, for lack of papers. The checkpoint commander
couldn't get an OK from his own commanders, but through the DCO it
was settled that the older woman will pass alone. H., a female
reserve volunteer is doing her second 2 week shift in the
checkpoint. She was polite and nice to the people.
Qalandya north: The line of people waiting was pretty long, it took
about 30 min. and longer to go through. We could not convince the
soldiers to let the women and children in first, since the sun was
so strong. One very angry soldier was pushing 2 Palestinian women.
Apparently, one of them was supposedly blind, so they let them
through, but then they saw her walking normally, and got furious.
They sent the women back.