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A-Ram was quiet with cars
passing in the direction of Jerusalem in a steady stream and no

Qalandya: About 200 people in queue, and it took about 25
minutes for them to pass. The soldiers were polite and there were
few problems. In a couple of cases people were let through without
papers. It did seem that they had been told to let up. One young
man had been caught trying to pass through the quarry. A soldier,
A., said that he had tried to go through before, so A. rushed into
the waiting zone, grabbed the Palestinian, manhandling him roughly.
The victim was small and very thin, and A. practically lifted him
in the air by his shirt and then slammed him against the fence,
shaking him and nearly hitting him. Only the intervention of
another soldier prevented it from turning into anything worse.
Later as we were leaving the young man was brought through with
another group who had again been caught trying to go through the
quarry, with no permit.