Beit Iba, Jit, Sun 23.3.08, Afternoon
13:45 Jit Junction
No CP at this time
14:17 Beit Iba
There are few vehicles waiting to enter Nablus. The 3 pedestrian
lines are long and moving very slowly. There is no table or
soldiers in the area between the check booth and the turnstiles. So
when the men arrive they have to remove their shoe, belts, wallets,
keys, cell phones walk through the electronic detector and then open
their bag to the MP in the booth. When we ask why the soldiers are
not checking the bags on the table as the Palestinians pass the
turnstiles, we are told that there was an official check by the army
and now no soldiers stand in the area between the turnstiles and the
booth. There are many soldiers, 6 at the pedestrian CP and 8 at the
vehicle CP, but still the Palestinians are waiting a very long time,
and today in the exceptional heat, makes it even more difficult.
The soldiers are reservists, a new group we have never seen before.
There are several young men in the detention area, their IDs are
being checked and we see them all being released.