'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Tue 25.3.08, Afternoon

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Yael S. Zahava G. Natanya translating.


A soldier opens the gate within 5 minutes. At the children's'
gate a bus with children enters with little delay. 2 agricultural
workers, one on a horse and another on a donkey  come out. The one on
the horse says he has a ride of an hour and a half to his village.


5 cars wait from the south, some go through quickly and others
are checked.  The commander says that cars with young people are
checked because there are "personal alerts." A curious soldier asks
what we are doing  and when we say that we do not believe in the
importance of the security aspect of the checkpoint he and his friends
try to do their best to show us that we are mistaken.  The conversation
ends on a good note but neither side changes its opinion.  Our guest,
Haman Hayehudi had much to photograph and to hear.


Back at the children's gate are 4 detaineesinfo-icon sitting at the side
of the road. The soldiers say that they are all illegal workers who
prefer to be detained for hours by the soldiers rather than fall into
the hands of the police.
commander is insistent concerning their identities and promises that
once he has punished them they will be sent on their way.  We tried to
awake his pity by describing their difficult economic condition and he
said he would give them water to drink.

Back to the gate next to the border (Taheiniem).

At Anabta cars stream
in both directions without stopping or being checked.

At Qalqiliya
there are 5 cars.