Ar-Ram, Qalandiya, Thu 3.4.08, Morning
Anata: Very
heavy traffic. Officially there
were 2 lanes but the frustrated drivers often came up alongside so that in
effect there were 3 lanes (and at times, even 4!) all having then to squeeze through the
actual checkpoints. This naturally
made things very difficult for incoming traffic.
cars had their trunks checked.
was a local man organising the traffic, mainly to help the busses through.
According to the head of the council, he was there
schoolchildren are back this week and some little ones were weaving their way
quite dangerously through the traffic to get to the pedestrian
a.m. A-Ram: Rather more cars than we have seen lately. It took a couple of minutes to go
through. Few
Qalandiya: No
one waiting at the turnstiles! Two
gates were functioning but with short lines.
we arrived, the prisoners’ families were just finishing going through gate
5. When they had done so, we
noticed people approaching the Matak. At 8.15 we asked the soldier inside about
this and he said that, as there was no pressure today, they could open the Matak
early. We wanted to know why today
was so quiet and the officer in charge said he would come ‘in a minute’ to talk
to us but by the time we left at 8.50, he still hadn’t come! (The woman soldier in the outside
office – the same one who would not make eye contact last week –said ‘I could
not answer your questions!’)
now and then gate 5 would open for normal traffic (not Matak business), but then
would close again, which was very frustrating for people who then would lose
their place in the lines at the other gates.