How long can they endure the suffering we cause them | Machsomwatch
אורנית, מהצד הזה של הגדר

How long can they endure the suffering we cause them


Hi Daniella,

The tour along the fence in the West Bank was interesting and depressing. The organization of the tour was perfect, the explanations were excellent, you showed a deep knowledge and your English, by the way, is excellent, I wish I had your fluency.   


The Palestinian we met were very welcoming and spoke to us with openness and sincerity. The feeling was that they really want peace. Hence the depression. How long can they endure the suffering we cause them, how close is the breaking-point, the despair, and then the deluge...


What happened to the basic notion proclaiming that each human has the right of self determination, freedom of movement and of freedom of choice? 

Where did the hubris that we are better and more justified, and of course more moral, stem from? 


I am sorry that there are only few Israelis who are exposed to the reality behind the fence. How convenient and pleasant to ignore that behind it people are living through hell and to believe that the fence has only one meaning: to enable us to be safe in Raanna, Ramat Hashron and Kefar-Saba. Oh, what a sweet delusion. 

Thank you, Daniella for enlightening us. 

Ruthi and Ian.