Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Tue 15.1.08, Morning
6:30 – 11:00
Summary: Very cold. The normalcy and routine of the Occupation
Sansana Checkpoint
6:35 – the Palestinian side is empty. Not all the Israeli employers have arrived and the workers are warming themselves over improvised fires on the Israeli side of the Green Line.
Road 60
The road work up to Shema continues, and we continue not to understand why money is being put into this and what the logic is behind widening the road…Soldiers are guarding the illegal outpost of Eshtamoa. They stand outside on the road, a sign (small) on the road reads: “Welcome to the Yeshiva…” From the car I can’t read the name. So if anyone had doubts regarding under whose auspices the settlement of the outpost is taking place, they can now be discarded…
Children are walking on the margins of the road to school. A bulldozer has renewed all the places where the dirt mounds let the Palestinian vehicles onto the road. There are also many new concrete blocks.
Samoa – is surrounded by high mounds of earth.
Dahariya – people waiting for a taxi. The road is blocked as usual.
Carma – An army vehicle stands at the entrance to the village. Many people are going in the direction of Hebron. The soldiers remain in the car.
Dura El Fawar – The pillbox is manned, the traffic moves. A green “frog” for trash collection decorates the pillbox.
Caligis – An army vehicle watches those crossing the street – the soldiers don’t leave the jeep.
Manoach Mountain – A new gate on the right side of the road – no bulldozers in the parking area.
The Sheep Crossing – Pedestrians crossing from side to side – no military presence
Shuiukch Hebron – An army vehicle, the soldiers aren’t stopping anyone in the meantime. They’re speaking Russian among themselves. Their attitude is very frightening; they’re hostile to us and show us the marks of rocks on their jeep. The girls crossing the road are in great danger.
The weather today is fitting for Hebron, so cold and depressing, and yet seemingly normal. Nothing is happening, just the deserted houses and the sight of soldiers everywhere.
The Pharmacy Checkpoint – Children pass throughout freely, and the adults are not asked to take off their belts or shoes. Everyone is too cold.
The Cave of the Patriarchs Checkpoint – no detainees.
They’ve added a checkpoint at the entrance to HaShohada Street – there was something temporary until last week. They’ve added a shelter from the rain and two soldiers stand there – no detainees.
Tel Romeda Checkpoint – they’ve added a hut for the soldiers to get out of the rain – there are no detainees and they don’t ask anyone for papers. Peace activists are there.
Tarpat Checkpoint – “Death to the Arabs” is written on the metal supports of the checkpoint. The company commander is there. We show him the graffiti and he promises to remove it. He knows nothing about the birth last week. He promises that it will now be easier for ambulances to pass through (I don’t believe him). The teachers cross through the side gate and the children on their way to school are checked by two soldiers – they ask to open the satchels. You tell me if this prevents terrorism or provokes terrorism.
The Disputed House – Structures offering protection from the cold have gone up on the roof for the soldiers guarding these insane intruders. A young Palestinian who forgot to carry his identity card is being detained at the border police checkpoint. The youth is on his way to work in Hebron – what does he need this document for? His father brings his identity card from home, otherwise he would have been taken to the police station to determine his identity and he would have lost a workday.
Just a reminder – before the “purchase” of this house, there was no checkpoint!!!!
A visit to Nassar at Deir Raza – Nassar tells us all the problems he has as a detainee by the ‘Shabak’ – what troubles! And most of all he misses the sense of freedom and liberty.