Beit Iba, Thu 10.4.08, Morning
Nora R. Rachel S. Hana P. Netanya translating
Beit Iba.
At the café some drivers come to us and say that settlers from Shave Shomron and Kedumiem are throwing stones at cars on the main road.
This has happened on Tuesday and Wednesday, 8-9 April, and also the previous week.
The driver. Mahmud Said Abi Behatan showed us the glass in the front which had been smashed by the settlers of Kedumiem who threw stones from inside the house which they have on the main road. He added that he had not been scared to make a complaint to the police.
At the checkpoint we saw a man who was taken aside and checked very thoroughly. The representative of the DCO explained to us that the man was wanted by the secret service. He was freed after half an hour.