Beit Iba, Mon 14.4.08, Afternoon
Natanya translating.
"If someone makes problems I do not make things easier for him."
"It does not matter if I agree or disagree, I work according to the rules."
The commander of the checkpoint.
16.00 When we came from the parking lot young Palestinians told us that their IDs had been taken from them at the checkpoint and that they had been sent home and told to come back at 7.00 to collect them. When we got to the checkpoint together with them, the commander said that they had tried to slip through and been caught. According to the rules he could have kept them for three house and so because today is hot he had sent them home instead of to the enclosure and told them to come back in three hours. He had the numbers of their IDs and next to each the hour when he had tried to slip through. One of the Palestinians said that his ID had been taken from him because he had gone through the x-ray device which had whistled and he had been told to take off his belt. After that he stopped to put it on and the soldier had told him to get away from the checkpoint. Because he had gone on getting dressed the soldier had been angry, taken his ID and told him to go home. Another had asked to come and get his ID the next morning because he did not have transport to the village after 7.00 . To all these the answer of the commander was "If someone makes problems I do not make things easier for him.""It does not matter if I agree or disagree, I work according to the rules." We spoke to the DCO who thought that the commander had acted in a humanitarian way and also from the Centre, Galia agree with this.
Reserve soldiers are present and act according to the rules.
16.20 A large taxi filled with passengers arrived. One of the soldiers in an authoritarian way explained to the driver that those under 45 had to get out of the car. He took the IDs for checking and there was a problem with two youths under the age of 16. The soldier sent the taxi to the side. After speaking with the DCO the youths were freed. This meant that they had to stand in line where they were checked again and after being stopped and having explained were let through to the taxi.