Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Tarqumiya, Mon 14.4.08, Morning

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Amira K. and Raya Y. (Reporting)

The New checkpoint in Tarkumia swarms from cars and the merchants say that the passage is o.k.
A worker who hasn't received a permit to return his tractor to Tarkumia after working at the checkpoint territory, forces his contractor to arrive to the checkpoint and to retrieve the Tractor – another unnecessary procedure.

Route 35
The road to Hebron is empty, no cars except for a truck and ourselves.

Ghosts are roaming the streets here, humans are scarce. The Pharmacy caheckpoint is empty and so is Tarpat checkpoint.
Two nice soldiers in Tel-Rumeida are checking ID cards of pedestrian (the pressure is not serious, every five minutes in average someone passes).
One of the civilian is detained because of a misspell in his ID: it is written in Arabic the "Palestinian Authority" and underneath again as: "Malestinian Authority". This suspicious 'M' causes the soldiers to make some clarifications with the misplaced P. It is indeed a type error, from the kind that you pay dearly for. A., our driver, explains to the ID owner that he must go to the Palestinian Home office and correct the typo.
In the Machpela cave there is another detainee. Our presence there, questions regarding his expected detention time and a conversation with the border police at the CP, extradited his release. The music which is being played repeatedly in the site is unbearable, somebody has to stop it.
On the road to Bani Naaim and Pney hever there are neither cars nor people. It is silent, silence of the occupation.  

Translation: Mori R.