Photo: Tami Ritov
Signs of spring and renewal abound. Flowers bloom across boundaries, checkpoints, and separation walls as violence and injustice grow. We are celebrating spring holidays marking freedom from oppression, rebirth, and resurrection.
The women of MachsomWatch extend wishes for joy, unity, and hope
to our friends and supporters!
Photo: Shuli Bar
Watching the Northern Checkpoints for over 15 years
MachsomWatch volunteers reveal what has changed over the years in the checkpoints they observe. Learn about the sophisticated monitoring of the checkpoints; read about the people who depend on crossing them; and marvel at the endless regulations that determine who can pass and who cannot -- including even an Occupation version of Fashion Police (see it in action in the video).
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" I view every time we go out on a shift as a small demonstration against the Occupation and its consequences."
Neta Golan, MachsomWatch volunteer in the Northern region talks about her motivations and describes what she has observed in the Northern checkpoints over the years.
Photo: MachsomWatch
Water Deprivation and Settler Violence:
The Destruction of Palestinian Subsistence Agriculture
It is during our regular, ongoing visits to Palestinian villages that we learn about active settler harassment from nearby settlements. We also record and report problems ranging from closures, restrictions of movement, water, and electricity, sewage, garbage disposal and dumping, medical services, education challenges and unemployment,
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Photos: Bruce Shaffer
United Jerusalem? Not Really...
The US Embassy is moving to Jerusalem. What does it mean for the lives of 40% of its residents, the Palestinians in East Jerusalem? Will their lives improve? Will the inequity and deprivation of basic living conditions - roads, housing, education, government services, public parks, water supply, and sewage and garbage collections, an unstable legal status, poverty and oppression suddenly disappear? Approximately 80,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem are caught behind a Separation Wall. They face endless daily bureaucratic and physical barriers as they head to work, school, medical care, family visits and prayer at Haram Al-Sharif (Temple Mount). Will any of these issues resolve with the grand gesture of this move to Jerusalem?
Browse Bruce Shaffer’s album of impressions on a recent early morning visit with MachsomWatch to the Qalandiya Checkpoint
Photo: Irit Segoli
An Excursion of a Different Kind
“I have often heard our volunteer shifts labeled as excursions. In fact, our excursions are meant to uncover barriers that exist even when they are not easily visible.” Thus writes MachsomWatch member Irit Segoli about a team of volunteers dedicated to investigating the obstruction of access to Muslim cultural heritage sites. This oppressive practice obliterates historical sites and denies an important cultural legacy. The preparation of a survey on the team’s discoveries reveal another way of gaining control over land without the need of checkpoints, fences or barriers.
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