Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Thu 22.5.08, Morning
Sansana - Meitar CP
Dozens of workers and cars on the Israeli side. Inside the sleeve there are more workers, though relatively few. The movement slow.
On the Palestinian side there are several changes: the fence which a created a long crowded line has been moved, and the infrastructure has been changed so the workers will not be so crowded. Near the first carousel there is a new concertina (barbed wire rolls), don't understand why. The Palestinian side is very dirty, lots of trash thrown about, no disposal bins or a dumpster. The lavatories are emptied by a truck.
Route 60
All the roadblocks are in place. The sheep's crossing (Yatta-Hebron) - the checkpiount has been opened to traffic which flows back and forth. There is another gate for pedestrians, and it's closed. It's easy to cross, but why is it closed? In the entrance to Yatta there is a new sign warning that this is the "A" (PA) area.
Bani Naim – west: regular army soldiers are standing at checkpoint and checking all wanting to cross.
Bani Naim – east: the 3 sides of the road which were blocked by piles of earth have been removed, but now it is blocked by cement blocks and an iron gate. There is no passage for vehicles.
crossing #397 - In the CP before the Tomb of the Patriarchs, a soldier is checking the documents of 4 youngsters. When the soldier recognizes us, he leaves the boys.
On the roof of the Disputed house, a shade has been put up to protect the Israeli soldiers on guard there. Bassam in the coffee shop tells us about an incident yesterday in which the settlers living in the disputed house (apparently out of boredom) threw stones at an elderly man who was working his fields.
The police and army did nothing. On the other hand when there was a suspicion that a youngster had a knife, the army went from house to house to look for the knife.