Beit Furik, Huwwara, Thu 12.6.08, Afternoon
Natanya translating.
13.15 The Shomron gates No detainees
At Marda two gates are open and Zeita is closed.
Za'tara/Tapuach CP 2 cars and one checking post. We nearly past but then noticed that a Palestinians bus was parked in the parking lot with people inside. We went back and asked the driver who said that they had been waiting for half an hour. The commander arrived with a soldier with a kippa on his head to guard him and in his hands the IDs. When we saw him we went to the side and he muttered to us not to interfere. The men standing in the shade heard his words. The soldier guarding him asked us "Do you have children in the army?" and I ask now if our arrival hastened the proceedings. There were two checkin areas and 20 cars.
Burin/Yitzhar was empty.
Not far from Burin in the direction of the mountain we saw fire in various diretions. At the checkpoint a driver told us that settlers did this so that they would have less grazing grounds.
13.50 Huwwara.
No detainees and 3 checking ares for men. Military policewoman checking IDs and parcel.
Shoes and belts are taken off to minimize the noise of the x-ray device. Afterwards they dress again sometimes as they are walking. The shed is full with students who are busy with the summer semester are going home and there is much movement. There is a humanitarian line with the DCO T. There is a car to check goods and a dogtrainer who was not active while we were thee. No pressure of car entering Nablus and a soldier checking. 5 cars leaving Nablus and we could not see the end of the line. Very careful checking and at one point another checkpoint opens for a while for the cars.
15.46 Beit Furik.
A long line of cars leaving Nablus for Beit Furik and there is one checking area for cars in both directions and the checking is slow. In the shed are few people.
IN THE CAFÉ WE AGAIN HEAR THAT NO FOOD CAN BE TAKING THROUGH THE CHECKPOINTS OF QALQILIYA AND JUBARA. This is specially so on Saturdays. The soldiers search the cars and nothing can be taken through. Israelis cannot have their cars repaired in the garages there and who does so and is caught is fined.
16.41 Huwwara
On our way back from Beit Furik we saw 6 cars and 4 buses waiting at the exit of Nablus. A detainee in the isolation and T. of the DCO says that this is the second time this week that he has been detained for not standing in line and not listening to the orders of the commander. His ID is being checked. We informed A. of the humanitarian centre. Soldiers shout out numbers (0f IDs). The x-ray machine is not working and the porters wait on the side with their goods until a new one arrives.
Burin/Yitzhar is empty.
Za'tara CP
23 cars and we phoned the centre asking for another checking post to be opened. The detainee is still being checked.
Zeita the gate is closed and at Marda open and at Shaar Shomron we saw no detainees.