'Anabta, Jubara (Kafriat), Wed 11.6.08, Afternoon
Translation: Netta S.
Anabta -16:20:
The checkpoint is empty. The cars entering Tulkarm cross without any security check. There is a small number of cars waiting at the exit
16:30- we are leaving Anabta, heading to Jubara.
Jubara- 16:40:
The line to "Teenim" checkpoint is long, approximately 30 vehicles are waiting. There is a steady movement and the line is getting shorter. We bypass the line and reach to the check booth. We witness an argument between the checkpoint commander and an Israeli Palestinian. The Israeli bought some plants and vegetables for personal use in the West Bank, but the commander claims that it's forbidden to transfer the merchandise.
Everyone has a different interpretation on what "merchandise" means. So do we. Tami is reporting to the operations commander and she is going to check. Meanwhile we discover that the gate to Jubara is not being opened for us so we leave. We reported on that as well.