Beit Furik, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Mon 9.6.08, Morning

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Racheli M., Rachel A. (reporting)

Translation: Tal H.


7:00 Za'atara Junction Checkpoint

Two buses in the parking lot - one from Huwwara and another coming from the direction of Ariel.
Passengers standing outside the buses. IDs are being checked. This has been ongoing before we arrived, so we do not know how long it has taken.

About 30 cars lined up waiting to be checked. Passage is relatively swift.

7:30 Huwwara Checkpoint

Not many people at the checkpoint, routine checks.

One of the vendors (who has switched from selling potted plants to bagels) tries to convince the officer to let him place his stall close to the checkpoint up the ramp, where he assumes his profits will increase.
A harsh, loud arguments ensues. The officer refuses him, of course, explaining this area should be kept "sterileinfo-icon". "And you are a liar, and you will do as I said" etc.  The man claims he has a permit of the DCO, a fact confirmed by the DCO representative present. The vendor tells us that they (all the vendors) have hired the services of someone to constantly clean up. We try to calm him down so he will not 'get in trouble'.

8:30 Beit Furik

Very few cars in the car park. Very few pedestrians crossing the checkpoint.

At every junction and checkpoint we see a hummer, showing 'things are in control.'

Probably on account of the Jewish holiday, no colonist traffic is noticed, and everything is  calmer.
