Awarta, Beit Furik, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Mon 7.7.08, Morning
Translator: Charles K.
Summary: Little traffic everywhere. We were surprised by extensive earthworks everywhere; it looks as if there's been a quite a lot of building here. Ditches lined with concrete along the side of the road to Ariel, high mounds of earth on the other side of the road and elsewhere. A new checkpoint is being built in Huwwara.
The Marda checkpoint is open and the Zeita checkpoint is closed.
6:30 Za'tara/Tapuach
Little traffic. A bus that arrives waits 15 minutes for documents to be check.
Beit Furik - 7:15
Sparse vehicle traffic. Few people, passing pretty quickly through the checkpoint. No complaints by the residents.
Awarta checkpoint - 8:00
A long line of trucks waiting since 6 in the morning, the time the checkpoint opens. Just as we arrive the soldiers leave the guard tower and open the checkpoint. They move the trucks through quickly on both sides, and the checkpoint commander takes time to tell us there was a problem with manpower that didn't arrive in the morning and that's why the opening of the checkpoint was delayed for two hours.
Huwwara - 8:20
No unusual incidents. Except for an officer who once again decided to make us stand behind the white line, and then changed his mind, and that, actually, isn't unusual either...